“Modern Family” star Ty Burrell finally knows where his next paycheck is coming from
Since ABC has already renewed “Modern Family” for a second season, Ty Burrell has been pondering an unfamiliar question: How will he spend his hiatus?
“For the first time ever know what I’m going to be doing in the fall of next year,” said the 42-year-old actor whose previous two series – “Back to You” and “Out of Practice” had far shorter runs than anyone expected.
“Modern Family” is a very different story. The mockumentary-style show revolving around three families that are interrelated has been a breakout hit for ABC. It’s provided Burell with a gem of a role in Phil Dunphy, a father of three who can be awfully goofy but whose heart in the right place.
“I have been through it just enough to know that even if a show is good, it doesn’t mean it’s gonna go,” the actor tells HollywoodNews.com. “We loved the show from the beginning, we thought it was a great show. But I definitely was not holding my breath to be honest. You just never know what people are going to watch.
So to have all of it come together, I realize now at this point in my career, it’s an incredibly fortunate thing. Cast, chemistry, direction, writing, and the network being behind it and really supporting it – all of those things have come together and I’m just feeling very lucky.”
Read the full story on Hollywood News
Television Without Pity reviewed Modern Family and criticized Julie Bowen’s character Claire – What do you think?
As Modern Family’s fantastic first season has progressed, it’s just gotten better and funnier, and its characters have become more and more likable with each episode as the show has quickly grown into one of the best on television. With one glaring exception — Julie Bowen’s character Claire. While all the characters on the show are flawed by design, Claire is the standard irreversibly shrill sitcom wife surrounded by otherwise transgressive characters. Even when she does redeem herself by letting her husband win a foot race, or begrudgingly jumping into a pool with her clothes on to satisfy the stepmother she called a gold-digger, she’s still a joyless, shrew of a woman, and that’s a damn shame.
The difference between her character’s flaws and the rest of the cast’s is that not only is there nothing endearing about her, she isn’t trusted with the funny either. Her husband is a lecherous idiot who screws up constantly, but he’s an undeniably lovable lecherous idiot, and he gets the best lines on the show. Her father is a bit backwards in his thinking, but he strives to evolve, has a dog butler, and the scene where he spared little Manny from knowing what a jerk his deadbeat dad was would forgive him almost any insensitive remark he could ever make. And Cam is an over-the-top gay stereotype who should probably offend more than he does, but c’mon, you can’t not love that bleeding heart of an impromptu Lion King musical stager. But when pressed to come up with Claire’s good points, I really can’t come up with any. If she’s not humorlessly yelling, nagging, fretting, or complaining, she’s, well, off-screen.
Modern Family not a roaring ratings success? (In New-Zealand)
TV’s hottest new comedy, Modern Family, debuted last night on TV3 with only 4.4% of Kiwis tuning in (11.4% share). In the coveted 18-49 demographic, Modern Family grabbed just 6.3% and a 17.9% share. Sunday and the movie Enchanted took in the bulk of viewers.
So why the low numbers? Could viewer downloads be linked to the low ratings, or was this type of rating always to be expected on a Sunday night slot on TV3?
Come on New-Zealand, you can do better!
Source: Throng
‘Modern Family’ and SAG
Well, another win for Glee over Modern Family. But we still have a great picture of Sofia Vergara from the red carpet.
Source: Celebrity Gossip
DVD Giveaway Winners – Modern Family Best Holiday Tradition
Sorry for the late results, but we now have a winner for the “family’s best holiday tradition.”.
The winner of the giveaway is Cheryl W, who’s family tradition is in the spirit of “Modern Family” – “Find the Pickle” :
One of my favorite Christmas family traditions is “Find the Pickle”. We have a huge tree and before we decorate Granny hides the pickle ornament somewhere within the Christmas tree branches. All the kids (Adult) start in a line and then make a mad dash for the Christmas tree to find the prized pickle ornament. Who ever finds it, win $100! This is the most hilarious thing ever to watch. We are family, so any pushing or prodding is intensified x10. So much fun. Then we re-hide the pickle ornament and let the next group (the grandkids) do a run, and the winner gets $50. By the end the tree is nearly demolished, but salvageable to decorate. So much fun, we will carry it on forever.
Cheryl wins a DVD of her choice from either Married with Children – The Complete First Season or The Office – Season One
This giveaway was sponsored by:
- SimchaBucks – Want to know how much money to spend on a wedding gift? Try Simchabucks’ wedding gift calculator.
- EasyGration – EasyGration can help you with your Green Card Through Marriage application.
‘Modern Family’ is the hot winner for Wednesday ABC
ABC’s 8-9pm Repeat Comedies Build Adult 18-49 Audience Against “Idol,” As a Repeat “The Middle” Beats NBC’s Original “Mercy” at 8:30pm by 21%
“Modern Family” Matches a Best-Since-Debut Adult 18-49 Number And Achieves Series Highs with Adults 18-34 and Women 18-34
Posting its Highest Young Adult Numbers in 4 Months, “Cougar Town” Beats Fox’s “Idol”-Fueled Wednesday Premiere of “Human Target” by 17%
At 10 pm, ABC’s “Ugly Betty” Grows is Overall Audience Week to Week
ABC Repeat Comedies (8:00-9:00 p.m.)
Opposite “American Idol” from 8:00-9:00 p.m., repeats of “Modern Family” and “The Middle” gained Adult 18-49 audience (+6%) for ABC in the hour. In fact ABC was the only broadcaster to grow in the time period.
At 8:30 p.m., a replay ABC’s “The Middle” defeated NBC’s original Mercy by 21% in Adults 18-49 (1.7/4 vs. 1.4/4). Despite facing “Idol,” “The Middle” posted its second-highest repeat number to date.
“Modern Family” (9:00-9:30 p.m.)
Shooting up from its lead-in by an astounding +141% in Adults 18-49, ABC’s “Modern Family” (4.1/11) finished in a near-tie for first place in its slot with CBS veteran Criminal Minds (4.2/11), beating the first half of Fox’s “Idol”-fueled Wednesday premiere of “Human Target” by 8% (3.8/10). “Modern Family” won its half-hour among Adults 18-34, Women 18-34 and key Men (M18-34/M18-49), standing as Wednesday’s No. 1 scripted TV show on all 4 Nielsen measures.
“Modern Family” matched a best-since-debut Adult 18-49 number – best since 9/23/09. The comedy achieved series-high numbers among Adults 18-34 (3.7/11) and Women 18-34 (4.3/12).
Source: RBR
Modern Family — State of the Union
The president’s annual address to Congress and the country will air at 9 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Jan. 27. All of the big four broadcast networks (along with PBS and the cable news channels) will air it live, resulting in the usual schedule tweaking on the nets’ part.
For ABC: “Modern Family” and “The Middle” reruns at 8, State of the Union at 9, “Cougar Town” rerun at 10:30.
New episode only on 02/03.
Source: Zap2It.
‘Modern Family’: Eric Stonestreet And Jesse Tyler Ferguson On Love And Stereotypes
NPR has an interview with Eric Stonestreet And Jesse Tyler Ferguson. Here are some of the highlights:
On creating chemistry as a couple
Stonestreet: I just think chemistry comes from an openness of a performer, and Jesse is an actor that’s willing to put himself out there, and I consider myself sort of the same way, and I really feel that’s where chemistry comes from, is a sense of vulnerability for each other. It works for our relationship on the show, but it works for us as actors.
On giving Cameron a higher voice than he has naturally
Stonestreet: I feel like Cameron — and I don’t like it when actors talk about stuff like this, but — I feel like Cameron is a comfortable, comforting, nurturing sort of person that just … his idea and his intention is to soothe. And Cameron’s voice comes from that quality that I want him to have. … And it comes from my mom. I’ve said in lots of interviews that my mom gestures a lot, and the whole thing started with just watching her and observing and mimicking her and how she reacts in situations.
On the puzzling nature of viewer perceptions
Stonestreet: The best example I can give about this — and Jesse was standing right there, so he can be my witness — a gentleman came up to me at a party, and he literally said this to me: “OH MY GAWD, YOU ARE TEEEW MUCH.” And I said, “What?” And he said, “SERIOUSLY, A KIMONO? I MEAN, A KI-MO-NO? PUHHH-LEEZE. YOU ARE TEEEW MUCH. AND YOU’RE STRAAAIGHT?” And I go, “Yeah, I am.” And he goes, “Oh, please you can’t tell me you’re not questioning soooomething, come on!” He walks away, and I’m like, “Jesse, I am so glad hedelivered me the message that I am too much.”
On retaining couplehood
Ferguson: I think sometimes, since we aren’t a real couple in real life, as some people don’t realize, we forget that there is moments of tenderness and affection, and we try and find places to fuse that as much as possible. And there’s some great moments of that in the Valentine’s Day episode.
On stereotypes
Ferguson: We’re not traditional gay characters as seen on TV in recent history. We have different body types, and I think that’s also, in itself, unique.
Stonestreet: I felt like that going in, as far as my physicality goes, was — it added jokes to the character. That was sort of my pitch as far as why I should get the audition in the beginning. “Put a well-built dude in there and you’re cliche and you can be stereotypical and mean. Put me there and you open a world of jokes.”
Sofia Vergara Talks About Her Golden Globes Style
As a presenter at the Golden Globe Awards, Modern Family star Sofia Vergara was stunning in a Carolina Herrera gown and Chopard diamonds, her long hair gathered back and half up because of the soggy weather.
“I didn’t want to wear my hair up, but it started raining and it’s better to wear it up and look fixed the whole night than have it look good for ten minutes,” she explained the following morning on the Modern Family set, where she talked about the thrill of attending her first Golden Globes and meeting A-Listers like Sophia Loren.
Read the full story on terra.com
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Modern Family Scoops
Modern Family scoops from TV Guide:
The cast spilled their guts to us during a visit to the Los Angeles set. Oddly, their teases all involved undressing. “Cameron challenges Jay to a racquetball match and their butts might touch in the locker room,” Eric Stonestreet reports. Meanwhile, Jesse Tyler Ferguson indicated that Mitchell “might end up in an article of clothing that is not mine” — and doesn’t belong to any other male cast member either. Julie Bowen keeps it simple: “Naked, hotel lobby and flying underwear — just chew on that for a while.” Not enough? How about this? Fizbo flashback!