‘Modern Family’ – ‘Moon Landing’ Highlights
“Do people want their real estate advice from someone who leads, or someone who follows? I’m bettin’ these babies (points to mustache) are coming back in a big way. Buy low, sell high. People are going to see this and say, ‘That guy’s high.’” – Phil
We had a great night last night, and here are some of the highlights from reviews of ‘Modern Family’ – ‘Moon Landing’:
From TVsquad:
Sometimes I wonder if I could just write up a review of ‘Modern Family’ by listing all of the great quotes that come out of this show. Line for line, this has to be one of the cleverest series on television today. Even the episode title, ‘Moon Landing,’ recalls a great moment.
From EW:
Could last night’s episode of Modern Family been any funnier? I mean, I may as well have transcribed the entire episode, because every line had me practically running to my own Porta-Potty.
Highlights from CliqueClack:
- Luke imaging the cool school made of recycled bottles.
- “I can’t imagine you working.” – Luke, to his mom
“Luke, that is very offensive to women. Your mom works very hard. It’s just now she works for us.” – Phil - “I don’t take kindly when someone Tom Selleck’s my park bench.” – Phil
- “What’s Jägermiester?”- Alex
“Well, um, you know when in a fairy tale there’s always a potion that makes the princess fall asleep and then the guys start kissing her? This is like that, except you don’t wake up in a castle, you wake up in a frat house with a bad reputation.” – Phil - Say Anything, Dylan. And please, stop talking. You’re making the generation gap even more embarrassing for Phil.