Modern Family, Episode 10 – “Fizbo”: Cameron the clown
The 10 best lines from last night’s episode of Modern Family based on EW (in descending order):
10. “Let’s tuck our pants into our socks.”
9. “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t need it. An extension cord works pretty good.”
8. “I used to have a machete, but times have changed.”
7. “People are gonna stare. They’re not used to seeing one clown in a car.”
6. “Girlfriend’s gonna get stung!”
5. “I’ve tried everything to get her attention. Opening doors, having a milk sent over in the cafeteria. Nothing’s worked.”
4. “A gift card? Who hurt you?”
3. “She can’t go 10 minutes without her boyfriend’s tongue in her mouth. It’s like he’s feeding a baby bird.”
2. “Let me know if you get low on supplies. I’ll make a quick run back to the 1950s for you.”
1. “I am brave. Roller coasters? I love ‘em. Scary movies? I’ve seen Ghostbusters like seven times. I regularly drive through neighborhoods that have only recently been gentrified. So yeah, I’m pretty much not afraid of anything.”
And some review from Alan Sepinwall:
The highlight of “Fizbo” was, of course, Fizbo himself, and how seriously Cam/Eric Stonestreet threw himself into the part. Every time I think that the contrast of Cam’s gregarious nature and Mitchell’s more introverted, judgmental qualities is going to get old, we get a hysterical talking head like the one where Cameron outlined the four types of clowns, followed by Mitchell creating the marvelous assembly of words that is “weird gay clown uncle.”
Rico Rodriguez continues to be wonderful as Manny. The character doesn’t know how to tell the Interrupting Cow joke (or its funnier/more aggressive spin-off, Interrupting Starfish), but Rodriguez can even find a way to make Manny’s sad bouncing funny. (Gloria being ogled by the dads was more predictable, but when you put Sofia Vergara on a show with a bouncy castle, some things just have to happen the way they’re gonna, I suppose.)
We got a more sarcastic side of Phil than usual (I liked him offering to go on a supply run to the 1950s to get Claire some more crafts), which then nicely offset his pathological clown fear.
A very funny, very satisfying episode, and one that’ll hold me until the next new one in two weeks.