TV’s Funniest Family Encourages Parents to Help Build Strong Families by “Pourenting.”
The Dunphys may be America’s funniest “Modern Family,” but Claire and Phil take their role as parents very seriously. The comedic couple knows the importance of pouring one more serving of milk a day. Their goal is to build a strong modern family of their own and help fill the nation’s nutrient gap. That’s why Claire, Phil and family are the newest stars in their own Milk Mustache ad.
As mom to Haley, Alex and Luke, Claire wants to remind moms that they are role models for their families’ food choices, and encourage them to set a positive example by pouring one more glass of lowfat milk for herself, as well as for each member of her family every day. Pouring everyone one more serving of milk when the family is together is a simple way to ensure no one misses out on milk’s nine essential nutrients.
The ad copy reads, “Peerenting. Acting like a parent but talking like a peer might be Phil’s philosophy, but when it comes to helping my kids get out of the nutrient gap, I need to be the grown up. So I pour one more serving of milk a day. It’s something Phil likes to call ’pourenting’.”
See exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and videos from the Dunphys’ Milk Mustache ad shoot at
About the National Milk Mustache “got milk?®” Campaign
The Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), Washington, D.C., is funded by the nation’s milk processors, who are committed to increasing fluid milk consumption. The National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board, through MilkPEP, runs the National Milk Mustache “got milk?®” Campaign, a multi-faceted campaign designed to educate consumers about the health benefits of milk. For more information, go to Deutsch, A Lowe and Partners Company, is the creative agency for the National Milk Mustache “got milk?®” Campaign.